In every job, we can find ourselves in the middle of a tug-of-war between the big things and the little things. The big things include our projects, client initiatives, and other long-term initiatives. The small things include the never-ending emails and other quick-hits that can consume our day.

This blog is dedicated to the ‘big things’ – the ones that often drive our important goals. The following three things that will you get a lot of your big things done fast.

1) Focus your Efforts

Sometimes, the biggest challenge is being spread too thin. While there are times when this is inevitable, there are many other times when it can be avoided. I recommend focusing on one or two projects at a time. When we focus on efforts, we make more rapid progress, we stay current, and we are more in control of our deadlines. This strategy also simplifies our life and creates fewer moving parts to manage. We are also able to get to our other projects that much faster.

2) Block off Time

Our schedules can fill up in the blink of an eye. We need to be proactive and preserve time for our projects. Some people like to block off time first thing in the morning. (I have preserved an hour each morning, before the kids awaken, to work on my book.) Others like to block off time in the afternoon. Regardless, we need to protect this time. I can guarantee that if we don’t protect our project time, no one else will.

3) Build in Accountability

It helps to have some accountability to keep us on track. Deadlines, meetings and commitments to others all work well. If you need to, find a way to build in some accountability. I have started a blog about my book progress as a way to keep me accountability. I would consider it a personal favour if you subscribed to my blog! (The more people who follow me, the more committed I feel … and yes, I sometimes need to play tricks with myself to stay focused.)

I hope that these three tips result in a productive season. I would love to hear from you if you have any more ideas to share.

Thanks for your time,
