Inertia is a basic physical principle based on the fact that things tend to preserve their present state – whether that is resting or moving.

Many of us face inertia from time to time. There is that important project that we never seem to get around to starting. Or the exercise program we just can’t seem to initiate, despite our best intentions.

[sws_picture_frame19 src=”” title=”” alt=”” align=”sws_frame_right” lightbox=”” album=”album” video=””] [/sws_picture_frame19] The law of inertia states that something will only change its present state (which, in the above examples, is the state of non-activity) unless acted on by some sort of force. Once something starts moving, it tends to keep moving.

So it stands to reason that if we can simply get started, the law of inertia should keep us moving in the right direction. And getting started is oh so much easier than tackling an entire project.

The first step can be as small as booking a meeting or reviewing your old research notes or making a list of everything that needs to be done.

However, for some of us, perfectionism or an ‘all or nothing’ attitude really immobilizes us. We convince our self that if we can’t do something completely or perfectly, it’s not worth it to even start. I couldn’t disagree more.

First of all, once we get started on something, it’s easier to keep going. (Take that inertia!)

Secondly, not everything needs to be done perfectly. In fact, if we waited for perfection, very few things would ever get off the ground.

As a consultant, I’ve had the pleasure of working with some of the biggest companies out there. Despite their market success, it never ceases to amaze me how some things within the companies are pretty far from perfect (to put it nicely).

And so, in the spirit of overcoming inertia, we at Clear Concept are launching our new website. We are very excited to be making several tools and resources available to our clients. Download tools, take a self-assessment, learn about productivity studies, and read the latest productivity articles. Stay tuned for even more. The website sure ain’t perfect yet, but it’s a step in the right direction.