Do you regularly do things that you probably should be delegating? Do you find that your top projects keep getting bumped? Are you always running off your feet?

Put on your boxing gloves and prepare to battle.  Today’s article is all about busting through excuses for not delegating.

Excuse #1: No one can do it (except me)

A key part of building a strong team is to challenge them. If you intentionally strive to push people outside of their comfort zone, you will naturally start delegating more.

Obviously you want to check in with them often. Delegating and training go hand in hand.  The overnight sensations tend to only happen in Hollywood.  (And maybe you, being the star you are, required very little hand-holding back in the day, but let’s not hold everyone else to that standard, ok?)

Excuse #2: No one can do it as well as me

I am asking you to ignore a common misperception: ‘If I am the best person for the job, I should do it.’

There isn’t a doubt in my mind – you probably are the best person for the job. I know, I know … no one can do it as well as you. Believe me, I have heard this before. Instead, we should be asking ourselves whether anyone else can do the job.

If someone else can do it (even if it requires some coaching on your part), let them.

Excuse #3: No one has time

Another classic reason why people do not delegate is because their team is already too busy. At which point I ask “too busy doing what?

It is true that we only have so much time in a day.  We will never be able to get everything done.

But we definitely have time for our top priorities. (At least we do when we strip away the other distractions.)

I recommend that you and your team jointly identify the top priorities.  Sure, you can all work on other things outside this list, but not to the extent that it bumps your top priorities.

Excuse #4: I don’t have enough people to delegate to

This is where it helps to think outside of the box.  There are lots of delegating opportunities out there.

Ask your manager for ideas about engaging other people. Seek out volunteers. Work with your suppliers. Consider reaching out to people in other departments.  This can be a goldmine of opportunity as lots of people may be interested in expanding their network or skill set.  Your project may provide them with the perfect opportunity.

When engaging others, it is critical to let them own parts of the project.  If you merely seek out their advice, it probably won’t be enough to get them to roll up their sleeves and help with the work.

Excuse #5: I just don’t like to ask for help

Ok super hero, what’s up with this excuse?  Think about how great it feels when someone comes asks you for help.

Like any skill, we get better at it the more we practice. So push yourself to ask for help.  The more you do it, the more you’ll realize how rewarding it can be – for both you and them.

Ok, time to take off the boxing gloves. That about wraps up today’s workout.  Just remember to keep working on your delegating muscle.