There are probably 3 teachers that stick out in my memories as ‘great teachers’.  They weren’t just adored by me, but by many a student who had taken their course(s).  The interesting thing is that they had very different teaching styles. 

One was a ‘free spirit’ who was less worried with following the course outline than by ensuring that time was spent according to what she felt her students needed to spend time on in order to comprehend the lesson.

[sws_picture_frame13 src=”” title=”” alt=”” align=”sws_frame_right” lightbox=”” album=”album” video=””] [/sws_picture_frame13] The second was very detailed oriented, she wouldn’t waver from the curriculum she was required to deliver but her lessons were filled with inventive approaches to ensuring the lessons made sense in today’s world (pretty interesting when talking about Shakespeare).  The last was a Professor who believed that the best way to teach was to lecture for a small percentage of time instead investing his time in interactive discussions and presentations with the majority of time in seminar. 

 3 very different styles.

Your leadership style is in many ways driven by  what you are passionate about.  What may make it unique may be a reflection of what you are curious about.  You can’t follow the best practice of one leader and assume it will work for you.

Travelling to India to study eastern mysticism or Zen Buddhism like Steve Jobs did, (which he credits to better understanding design simplicity), most likely will not work for you unless you are already naturally curious about it.   Working 360 days a year and expecting an similarly high investment in time from your team as is rumoured that Bill Gates did isn’t necessarily the best practice you need to follow. 

The only Best Practice to Leadership is understanding that there are many approaches to Leadership.  There isn’t one Best Practice to inherit.  Rather, learning about different Leadership styles will help you to tap into core of how you want to lead.