
Mentoring for Excellence: 3 ways to guide and empower future leaders

By |2025-02-11T22:29:23+00:00February 11th, 2025|Collaboration, Communication, High-performance, Leadership, Management, mentoring, Teamwork, workplace culture|

Mentoring is associated with powerful benefits for mentors, mentees, and their organizations. But good mentoring doesn’t magically happen when you pair people together. Whether you’re a mentor, a mentee, or are looking to establish a mentoring program within your organization, you can use our practical ACE Mentoring framework to ensure you have key success factors in place to make the most of this valuable development opportunity.

Working hard and getting nowhere? Try this.

By |2023-08-01T16:00:17+00:00August 1st, 2023|High-performance, Leadership, Management, Motivation, Organization, Productivity, Time Management|

If you’re working hard but don’t feel you’re making progress, there’s a good chance you’re slipping into a common productivity challenge: taking on too much. It's tempting to want to do it all. But this dilutes our effort, wastes our time, and creates the frustration of carrying countless unfinished tasks. If you can relate but don’t know where to start, it's time to try a new approach.

5 reasons to come into the office

By |2022-11-17T15:10:56+00:00November 16th, 2022|Collaboration, Communication, Health, High-performance, Leadership, Management, Productivity, Routine, Teamwork, Wellbeing, workplace culture|

Painful commutes. Sitting on back-to-back video calls while in the office. Complicated childcare. Having to put on pants with zippers. It’s a list that leaves leaders struggling to entice people to come back into the office. Over the last two years, we have proven we can be quite productive remotely, thank you very much. Yet there is magic that comes with spending time together, in person. We don’t need to do this every day, but here are 5 solid reasons why being on-site helps us do our best work.

Join me in a summer reading challenge?

By |2022-07-13T20:44:31+00:00July 13th, 2022|Health, High-performance, Leadership, Management, Motivation, Wellbeing|

Reading does so much more than expand our knowledge. Research has shown reading can make us more confident, empathetic, and better decision makers. Reading even helps to fight depression and prevent stress and dementia, while improving overall life satisfaction. Still, it can be a challenge to make time in our busy lives for reading, so here are some strategies to help you with this - and an invite to join me on my summer reading challenge!

It’s time to reset the way we work

By |2022-02-17T18:34:37+00:00August 19th, 2021|Collaboration, Health, High-performance, Leadership, Management, Mindset, Productivity, Resilience, stress, Thrive, Wellbeing, workplace culture|

The uncertainty and stress caused by the pandemic has only served to widen the divide between employee engagement and wellbeing. This has critical implications for the workplace. If we do not prioritize wellbeing and mental health, stress and burnout will undermine our recovery efforts. Our organizations have a responsibility for the care and wellbeing of employees. Taking the necessary steps to relieve burnout and invest in people is not only essential for engaging and retaining top talent, it is simply the right thing to do to create a healthy and thriving workplace for all.

3 ways to work with purpose and achieve your best

By |2021-06-01T15:51:14+00:00June 1st, 2021|Collaboration, Communication, Delegating, Goals, High-performance, Leadership, Management, Mindset, Motivation, Productivity, Teamwork|

When we bring a greater sense of purpose to what we do, we are compelled to invest more time and energy into our work because we are accountable for the outcome – and because we believe in the work we are doing. Whether it’s one piece of a project or a more complex assignment, it’s imperative we attach the task or responsibility to a higher goal. Here are 3 ways you can achieve this objective.

Are you an ideal teammate? Take our self-assessment to find out

By |2021-03-19T14:36:08+00:00March 18th, 2021|Collaboration, Communication, High-performance, Leadership, Management, Management Effectiveness, Teamwork, Thrive, workplace culture|

So many of us are led to believe success is about being the strongest, smartest and fastest. As a result, too many people mistakenly approach work like a competition. ‘If one person wins, someone else loses.’ This scarcity mentality leads to siloes, information hoarding and transactional relationships. But the truth is, the more we help others grow, develop, and thrive, regardless of whether they can help us in return, the more we and everyone around us benefits. But what exactly does it mean to be the kind of person that generates real results and helps their team perform at a higher level? Read on to learn more and access a copy of our popular High-Performance Teammate Audit & Action Plan.

How to overcome bias when you share feedback

By |2021-03-02T21:51:31+00:00February 25th, 2021|Collaboration, Communication, Feedback, High-performance, Leadership, Management, Mindset, workplace culture|

At its best, feedback is a gift. Sharing feedback is an investment in the other person and the fastest way to help them sharpen their skills. Feedback is a crucial component of any high-performance team and a skill worth mastering by all of us. But, far too often, feedback is tainted by bias. Bias influences our behaviour more than we may think. As much as our intent may be otherwise, recognizing our own tendency to operate in a biased way is the first step to interrupting bias. The more we recognize, learn about and discuss bias, the more we can support our experts and take the necessary steps to eliminate bias. I invite you to join me on these 3 steps to help all of us notice and interrupt unconscious bias.

6 ways to make your meetings great (again)

By |2020-07-22T01:07:44+00:00July 20th, 2020|Communication, Delegating, Goals, Leadership, Management, Productivity, Schedule Management|

Are your meetings lacking a certain...something? Here are six ways you can improve the overall quality of meetings and boost your own productivity in return.

What can bamboo teach us about persistence?

By |2020-06-10T19:07:49+00:00October 15th, 2019|High-performance, Leadership, Management, Mindset|

Our natural talent will only take us so far when it comes to achieving the amazing results we are capable of. Our effort - and persistence - counts even more. Here is a great example of the power of persistence.

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