
How can hybrid work help us improve the way we work?

By |2022-06-29T18:59:25+00:00June 29th, 2022|Collaboration, Communication, High-performance, Leadership, mentoring, Mindset, Teamwork, Thrive, workplace culture|

Hybrid work comes with its challenges but it also brings us opportunities to be more conscious and proactive about how we work, and to upgrade our existing processes - especially what may not have been working to begin with.

7 signs you won the mentor lottery

By |2020-06-10T19:27:41+00:00May 8th, 2018|High-performance, Leadership, Management, Management Effectiveness, mentoring, workplace culture|

Formal mentoring programs are becoming more prolific in the corporate world. Theoretically, this is a strategic way to accelerate skill development. But as we all know, theory doesn’t always translate into results. Some mentors are frankly better than others. As a result, certain lucky employees are blessed with having won the equivalent of the mentor lottery. Their mentor is a unique blend of a champion, challenger and collaborator. How do you know if you are one of the lucky few with one of those infamous mentors? It’s relatively straightforward to determine – ideally, your mentor does most (better yet, all) of these seven things. Read on to learn more.


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