Dear Stress: It’s not you, it’s me. We need to break up.
A Harvard University survey confirms a good deal of our happiness depends on how well we manage stress. Ready to end this toxic relationship? Here are 13 ways to make the break.
A Harvard University survey confirms a good deal of our happiness depends on how well we manage stress. Ready to end this toxic relationship? Here are 13 ways to make the break.
Formal mentoring programs are becoming more prolific in the corporate world. Theoretically, this is a strategic way to accelerate skill development. But as we all know, theory doesn’t always translate into results. Some mentors are frankly better than others. As a result, certain lucky employees are blessed with having won the equivalent of the mentor lottery. Their mentor is a unique blend of a champion, challenger and collaborator. How do you know if you are one of the lucky few with one of those infamous mentors? It’s relatively straightforward to determine – ideally, your mentor does most (better yet, all) of these seven things. Read on to learn more.
I’ve learned the important things in life and at work are far too important to leave up to chance. Sounds obvious but in truth, this is what many of us are doing when we set goals and don’t regularly review them. Reviewing our goals is how we maintain focus, momentum and stay true to our key priorities. Yet the busier we get, many of us tend to bump this important but non-urgent task. Now, I’ve got a one-page personal scorecard to keep me and my goals on track. Are you ready to create your own personal scorecard? Read on to learn more.
Today’s businesses strive to create great workplace cultures to motivate staff and drive higher performance. Before they can do this, however, they need to understand what workplace culture means and how they can engage their people. Our guest contributor, Rae Steinbach, shares how organizations can motivate to succeed.
We are all capable of making an outstanding impact and we deserve to be energized by uplifting leaders. But with statistics showing only 30% of the workforce is fully engaged, the world clearly needs more dynamic leaders. Mastering a leader mindset is accessible to all of us. The answer lies in these six skills we can all embrace.
When it comes to developing people, feedback is an obligation, not an option. Yet far too many managers act as though feedback is optional. Unfortunately, few of us (if any) learn skills on our own. We need coaching, direction and opportunities to try, fail and try again. We also need positive reinforcement to keep us focused and motivated. And sometimes, we need someone to tell us where we are going wrong. Here are 15 critical strategies to guide you in offering constructive feedback.
It’s amazing how a handful of words, when read or heard at just the right time, can resonate so deeply with us. We asked the Clear Concept team for their favourite leadership quotes and why they speak to us. Here are our favourites.
Summer means longer days but for most of us, that doesn’t mean we want to spend more time at the office. Here are 7 tips for making the most of your day at work, so you can get out sooner and soak up more of our precious summer.
Deciding on the magic number of participants for a seminar, meeting or team can be a bit of a mystery. Of course, the ideal number depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Here, we share our recommendations to help you achieve the best results.
Delegating can lead to a number of different outcomes. Sometimes, everything runs perfectly according to plan and we feel like terrific managers. But other times, delegating leads to one disaster after another and we are left wondering what went wrong. Unfortunately, few managers are ever given a clear road map on what leads to delegating success. Until now. Here are 12 ways to delegate effectively (almost) every time.