
6 ways to make your meetings great (again)

By |2020-07-22T01:07:44+00:00July 20th, 2020|Communication, Delegating, Goals, Leadership, Management, Productivity, Schedule Management|

Are your meetings lacking a certain...something? Here are six ways you can improve the overall quality of meetings and boost your own productivity in return.

Does your day need an “off” button? Try this tip to power down each day

By |2020-12-09T15:04:07+00:00July 6th, 2020|Health, Mindset, Personal Productivity, Productivity, Routine, Schedule Management, stress, Thrive, Wellbeing|

When lines between work and home life are blurred, you start to feel as though you’re always “on”. If you find you are stressing about work during (what should be) your down time, it may help you to establish some boundaries for shutting down at the end of each day. After all, we make more efficient use of a limited resource. And the resource in this case is your time.

The power of routine

By |2020-06-12T12:41:21+00:00June 9th, 2020|Goals, Procrastination, Productivity, Routine, stress|

The power of routine is how it allows us to block time for the priorities that matter most. Establishing a solid routine leads us to healthy, productive and successful habits. And perhaps most importantly, as we continue to adapt to a different way of working, we can look to our routine to reduce overwhelm and calm anxiety. Our routines may look a little different than they used to but the basic principles of building and keeping a routine still apply. If you are having trouble adjusting your routine to a different way of working, let us help.

How to apply the Simplify Filter to work and life

By |2023-08-01T15:04:01+00:00February 25th, 2020|Goals, Home Productivity, Personal Productivity, Productivity, Routine, Schedule Management, stress, Time Management|

Do you ever feel as though your day runs you instead of the other way around? When we are pulled in many directions (as so many of us are), it may feel like we have no control over our own time. We find ourselves working longer, waking up earlier, and generally feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Anyone who juggles multiple priorities knows this feeling. When things get like this for me, I have a handy little tool I like to use to get me back on track and reclaim control. It’s my filter. The Simplify Filter, that is. Here's how it works...

3 ways to motivate yourself to do work you don’t want to do

By |2020-06-10T19:06:26+00:00November 4th, 2019|High-performance, Motivation, Personal Productivity, Procrastination, Productivity, Schedule Management, Time Management|

No matter how much you love what you do, you are likely to come across some tasks you simply don’t love doing. It’s tempting to put off this type of work until tomorrow. But odds are you won’t be any more inclined to tackle the task after another rotation of the earth. Here are three simple and effective strategies to get motivated to take on work you don't want to do.

Dear Stress: It’s not you, it’s me. We need to break up.

By |2018-08-06T17:43:43+00:00July 3rd, 2018|High-performance, Leadership, Management, Management Effectiveness, Personal Productivity, Productivity, Resilience, stress|

A Harvard University survey confirms a good deal of our happiness depends on how well we manage stress. Ready to end this toxic relationship? Here are 13 ways to make the break.

What’s your score? Why you need a personal scorecard

By |2020-06-10T19:21:37+00:00April 9th, 2018|Goals, High-performance, Leadership, Management, Management Effectiveness, Personal Productivity|

I’ve learned the important things in life and at work are far too important to leave up to chance. Sounds obvious but in truth, this is what many of us are doing when we set goals and don’t regularly review them. Reviewing our goals is how we maintain focus, momentum and stay true to our key priorities. Yet the busier we get, many of us tend to bump this important but non-urgent task. Now, I’ve got a one-page personal scorecard to keep me and my goals on track. Are you ready to create your own personal scorecard? Read on to learn more.

Want more time for your top priorities? 6 compelling reasons to make routine your routine

By |2020-06-10T16:58:07+00:00October 15th, 2017|Leadership, Management Effectiveness, Personal Productivity, Schedule Management, Time Management|

We here at Clear Concept are fascinated with how uber successful people fit so much into their days. Interestingly, people like Mozart, Jobs, Tesla, Oprah and Messi share one common theme: a routine built around their top priorities. Here, we share 6 compelling reasons to make routine your routine,

What’s your plan?

By |2023-06-01T15:31:13+00:00September 26th, 2017|Management Effectiveness, Productivity, Routine, Schedule Management, Time Management|

We face an abundance of choice in life which is truly amazing. But if you’re anything like me, you sometimes find yourself a tad over-committed – at both work and home. Here is how I manage overload while still pursuing the things I love.

7 ways to get out of the office earlier on sunny days

By |2020-07-21T18:39:43+00:00June 19th, 2017|Management, Management Effectiveness, Personal Productivity, Schedule Management, Time Management|

Summer means longer days but for most of us, that doesn’t mean we want to spend more time at the office. Here are 7 tips for making the most of your day at work, so you can get out sooner and soak up more of our precious summer.


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