Clear Concept

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So far Clear Concept has created 49 blog entries.

The power of routine

By |2020-06-12T12:41:21+00:00June 9th, 2020|Goals, Procrastination, Productivity, Routine, stress|

The power of routine is how it allows us to block time for the priorities that matter most. Establishing a solid routine leads us to healthy, productive and successful habits. And perhaps most importantly, as we continue to adapt to a different way of working, we can look to our routine to reduce overwhelm and calm anxiety. Our routines may look a little different than they used to but the basic principles of building and keeping a routine still apply. If you are having trouble adjusting your routine to a different way of working, let us help.

2 simple ways to bring your best to challenging situations

By |2020-06-11T15:30:17+00:00May 19th, 2020|Communication, High-performance, Mindset, Resilience, stress, Thrive|

The emotions we bring to work are equally important as our cognitive skills but we always want to be authentic and true to ourselves. Sharing our positive energy does not mean we put on a happy face and pretend everything is fine when it’s not. But being aware of our energy means we demonstrate the best of ourselves and in turn, we bring out the best in others. Here are 2 simple ways we can bring our best to every situation.

The power of staying connected even when we’re apart

By |2020-06-12T12:42:20+00:00May 5th, 2020|Communication, High-performance, Productivity, Teamwork|

Despite the many benefits associated with working from home, this type of work arrangement can also lead to teams who feel somewhat disconnected from each other and team members who feel lonely. Here are 3 tips to help you stay connected with teammates while working from home.

What can zebras teach us about thriving in this new reality?

By |2020-06-10T19:05:18+00:00April 8th, 2020|Mindset, Productivity, Resilience, stress, Thrive|

We know stress is caused by the anticipation of future possibilities, and as humans, we prefer to sit in certainty. So, how do we cope in the midst of a global pandemic where there is no shortage of uncertainty?

How to apply the Simplify Filter to work and life

By |2023-08-01T15:04:01+00:00February 25th, 2020|Goals, Home Productivity, Personal Productivity, Productivity, Routine, Schedule Management, stress, Time Management|

Do you ever feel as though your day runs you instead of the other way around? When we are pulled in many directions (as so many of us are), it may feel like we have no control over our own time. We find ourselves working longer, waking up earlier, and generally feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Anyone who juggles multiple priorities knows this feeling. When things get like this for me, I have a handy little tool I like to use to get me back on track and reclaim control. It’s my filter. The Simplify Filter, that is. Here's how it works...

Time for a Team Email Charter?

By |2020-06-10T19:17:43+00:00July 18th, 2018|Email, Information Management, Management, Management Effectiveness, Productivity, stress, Teamwork, Time Management, workplace culture|

Email is a powerful communication tool but like all good things, too much can turn downright onerous. From excessive reply-alls, to messages inappropriately marked as urgent, to convoluted requests, a small amount of email abuse adds up to a tremendous drain on a team. Is it time for your team to sign a Team Email Charter? Read on for some suggested email policies to ensure your team is using this valuable tool as efficiently and effectively as possible.

5 lessons for a winning mindset from Olympic athletes

By |2018-03-06T18:00:19+00:00March 6th, 2018|High-performance, Leadership, Resilience, stress, Teamwork|

We all face challenges and set-backs. But what sets us apart is how we handle our stress. Olympic athletes are no strangers to pressure. Many spend their entire lives training for their events. Clearly, physical training is crucial. But athletes also recognize mental toughness is a key differentiator among the best of the best. Thankfully, this mindset isn’t simply something you’re born with or not. It can be developed over time and is within reach for all of us. Read on to learn more about the mental strategies elite performers use to stay at the top of their game.

Olympic inspiration: The power of connecting

By |2020-06-10T19:32:08+00:00February 17th, 2018|High-performance, Leadership, Resilience, stress, Teamwork|

Productivity drops when we don't feel connected at work. Connecting with others is a fundamental human need - and an integral quality of a high-performance team. We can see the value of fostering connections in all elite performers, and a great example is the gold-winning performance of the Canadian Figure Skating Team at the 2018 PyeongChang Olympics.

Olympic inspiration: Knitting under pressure

By |2020-06-10T19:32:50+00:00February 16th, 2018|High-performance, Leadership, Resilience, stress, Teamwork|

I love watching the Olympics because t is incredibly inspiring to watch people perform at the top of their field. There are many lessons we can learn from high-performance athletes about thriving in stressful situations. Here is a great example of how one coach "keeps things light" before competition.

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