Time Flies When You’re Having Fun
In the mid 1990’s Jeremy Rifkin wrote, “The End of Work.” Rifkin was ahead of his time. He wrote his book when computers were changing [...]
In the mid 1990’s Jeremy Rifkin wrote, “The End of Work.” Rifkin was ahead of his time. He wrote his book when computers were changing [...]
Perfectionism seems to be running rampant in the professional ranks these days. I consider myself a bit of an expert on this topic considering I [...]
Is it just me or is commuting getting more and more painful? As we head into colder and slushier road conditions, I shudder to think [...]
Working from home is an attractive proposition for many reasons such as time saved commuting, a better work/life balance and benefits to the environment such [...]
Lately, I have witnessed too many organizations change their workspaces to an open concept environment. When will this terrible trend end? Companies are generally moving [...]
Notwithstanding Marissa Mayer’s move to ban telecommuting at Yahoo, telecommuting is on the rise. It is the fastest growing of all workplace benefits according to [...]
With four children and a business, time is definitely a precious commodity around here. However, I’ve recently adopted a new habit that gives me the [...]
I have to admit it. I hate doing groceries. I find groceries to be a repetitive activity. I wasn’t far into my grocery shopping career [...]
I like to think that when it comes to Fall there are two kinds of people; those who love it and those who hate it. [...]
Are there multiple people living in your household? Does it feel like there is only one person trying to keep your home organized and tidy? [...]