Action and Inspiration
I came across a very interesting quote this week from Frank Tibolt, “We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. [...]
I came across a very interesting quote this week from Frank Tibolt, “We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. [...]
Help! I Need to Prioritize Last night my head was spinning. I couldn’t wrap my head around all the things I had to do. Clients, workshops, assessment [...]
The To Do List Backlash At a recent productivity workshop, I was telling everyone that the root of any good productivity system comes down to [...]
I love when lessons are wrapped up in good stories, like in the book The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande. One story described Van Halen’s concert contracts. These contracts clearly request a bowl of M&M’s “with all the brown candies removed, upon pain of forfeiture of the show, with full compensation to the band”. The story goes on to say that Van Halen actually followed through on this clause at least once. My first reaction to this was: “Wow – another example of a ridiculous rock star request”. But my reaction changed as I read more …
One of the biggest benefits of working with an assistant is they can push us to plan ahead. What is the plan for today? Who do we need to follow-up with? What do we need to start working on? Yet many people struggle with how to partner with their assistant most effectively. Here are some more detailed suggestions.
Inertia is a basic physical principle based on the fact that things tend to preserve their present state – whether that is resting or moving. [...]
Are you a Proactive Manager? Easier said than done … Being ‘proactive’ all the time is a tough gig. Managers get pulled at from so many [...]
You’re back from the holidays, refreshed and ready to tackle your biggest projects. But it has been a couple of weeks now and many of [...]
December has arrived and the holiday season is officially here. Christmas, Hanukkah, Muharram or Kwanza … while they are all joyful observances, they can be [...]
There are many times during our day when we can (and should) cut redundancies and focus on better uses of our time (indeed, I spend [...]