
Mentoring for Excellence: 3 ways to guide and empower future leaders

By |2025-02-11T22:29:23+00:00February 11th, 2025|Collaboration, Communication, High-performance, Leadership, Management, mentoring, Teamwork, workplace culture|

Mentoring is associated with powerful benefits for mentors, mentees, and their organizations. But good mentoring doesn’t magically happen when you pair people together. Whether you’re a mentor, a mentee, or are looking to establish a mentoring program within your organization, you can use our practical ACE Mentoring framework to ensure you have key success factors in place to make the most of this valuable development opportunity.

How to enjoy a work-free vacation (without working 24/7 before & after)

By |2023-12-12T15:32:30+00:00December 12th, 2023|Health, High-performance, Leadership, Mindset, Productivity, stress, Wellbeing|

I’m sure I don’t need to remind you of the restorative value of taking a break. But sometimes the stress we experience before and after a vacation can leave us wondering if the vacation was even worth it. To help you head into the holidays feeling calm and in control, I have a fresh approach to this challenge. The Simplify Filter is designed to help you scale back, streamline, or seek help. I tested this approach before our family vacation earlier this year and here’s how it worked.

Working hard and getting nowhere? Try this.

By |2023-08-01T16:00:17+00:00August 1st, 2023|High-performance, Leadership, Management, Motivation, Organization, Productivity, Time Management|

If you’re working hard but don’t feel you’re making progress, there’s a good chance you’re slipping into a common productivity challenge: taking on too much. It's tempting to want to do it all. But this dilutes our effort, wastes our time, and creates the frustration of carrying countless unfinished tasks. If you can relate but don’t know where to start, it's time to try a new approach.

Short on time? Here’s how to reclaim your workday.

By |2023-02-09T15:01:31+00:00December 5th, 2022|Goals, High-performance, Leadership, Organization, Productivity, Routine, stress, Time Management, Wellbeing|

Our time is our most precious resource. I wrote Workday Warrior to help you reclaim control of your time using three simple tools to transform how you work – and live. This proven method weaves the best time-management approaches into our daily work schedule, so our days are centered around what we value most. Here's how you can use one of the Workday Warrior tools to make the most of your time.

5 reasons to come into the office

By |2022-11-17T15:10:56+00:00November 16th, 2022|Collaboration, Communication, Health, High-performance, Leadership, Management, Productivity, Routine, Teamwork, Wellbeing, workplace culture|

Painful commutes. Sitting on back-to-back video calls while in the office. Complicated childcare. Having to put on pants with zippers. It’s a list that leaves leaders struggling to entice people to come back into the office. Over the last two years, we have proven we can be quite productive remotely, thank you very much. Yet there is magic that comes with spending time together, in person. We don’t need to do this every day, but here are 5 solid reasons why being on-site helps us do our best work.

Join me in a summer reading challenge?

By |2022-07-13T20:44:31+00:00July 13th, 2022|Health, High-performance, Leadership, Management, Motivation, Wellbeing|

Reading does so much more than expand our knowledge. Research has shown reading can make us more confident, empathetic, and better decision makers. Reading even helps to fight depression and prevent stress and dementia, while improving overall life satisfaction. Still, it can be a challenge to make time in our busy lives for reading, so here are some strategies to help you with this - and an invite to join me on my summer reading challenge!

How can hybrid work help us improve the way we work?

By |2022-06-29T18:59:25+00:00June 29th, 2022|Collaboration, Communication, High-performance, Leadership, mentoring, Mindset, Teamwork, Thrive, workplace culture|

Hybrid work comes with its challenges but it also brings us opportunities to be more conscious and proactive about how we work, and to upgrade our existing processes - especially what may not have been working to begin with.

4 tips leaders can use to stamp out burnout

By |2022-05-26T17:42:27+00:00May 25th, 2022|Health, High-performance, Leadership, Mindset, Productivity, Resilience, stress, Thrive, Wellbeing, workplace culture|

Burnout was already a problem before the pandemic and it continues to have critical implications for the workplace. Now, 87 percent of US employers say enhancing their mental health benefits over the next two years is a top priority. This is a step in the right direction. How can we help within our own organizations? Here are 4 strategies leaders can use to mitigate the effects of burnout, empower our teams to work sustainably – and thrive.

How to safeguard your productivity and connections as a hybrid worker

By |2022-05-25T17:08:13+00:00May 11th, 2022|Collaboration, High-performance, Leadership, Mindset, Motivation, Organization, Productivity, Resilience, Routine, stress, Thrive, Wellbeing, workplace culture|

Research shows individuals can be very productive in a hybrid model - if we do it right. As changes continue to ripple through the workplace, and more and more organizations adopt a hybrid approach to work, attention has been focused on the dynamics of hybrid teams. Here are some best practices you can use to stay productive and thrive as a hybrid worker, along with the pitfalls to avoid.

3 ways to help your hybrid team thrive

By |2022-02-18T15:04:02+00:00February 17th, 2022|Collaboration, High-performance, Leadership, Productivity, Teamwork, Thrive, workplace culture|

Many teams have ridden the pendulum from in-office work to virtual work and are now working hard to overcome hybrid work challenges. As these changes continue to ripple through the workplace, and more and more teams adopt a hybrid approach to work, it’s time to assess. Is your team thriving? Or just surviving? Here are three ways you and your organization can cultivate a healthy, productive – and happy – hybrid culture.

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