Management Effectiveness

The Only Best Practice to Leadership is Understanding That There Isn’t One…

By |2017-07-08T15:49:56+00:00May 23rd, 2013|Management, Management Effectiveness|

There are probably 3 teachers that stick out in my memories as 'great teachers'.  They weren't just adored by me, but by many a student [...]

7 Ways to Cut Your Meetings in Half

By |2018-01-15T16:49:45+00:00November 6th, 2012|Management Effectiveness|

Meetings are too long, period. You know and I know it. People are not willing, or able, to focus their attention for the standard 60 minute meeting. Research indicates that (at best) attention spans seem to max out around 40 minutes but realistically most of us are in the 5-10 minute range. The standard one-hour meeting no longer fits in the modern workplace. If you agree that meetings are too long, read on for some tips to cut your meetings in half.


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