Give Yourself a Present: 3 Things You Can Do to Finish Strong
Is this year going by fast or what? I feel like I just got used to writing 2010, and here we are in December already. [...]
Is this year going by fast or what? I feel like I just got used to writing 2010, and here we are in December already. [...]
I tend to take on a lot of things – sometimes too much. While I naturally want to get everything done, sometimes I need to juggle. Not being a circus star, I need to prioritize all the balls I have in the air. Otherwise, I may end up dropping the wrong one. When I consider my range of tasks, there are usually three types: the must dos, the should dos and the could dos.
People talk about prioritizing a lot. And there is no doubt why. The word offers such promise for a calm and stress-free work day. However, [...]
5 tips for making rapid progress in a new role Getting off to a quick start in a new role is critical. Everyone wants to [...]
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein You’ve just been promoted to the role of project leader [...]
[sws_picture_frame19 src="" title="" alt="" align="sws_frame_right" lightbox="" album="album" video=""] [/sws_picture_frame19] “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Steve Jobs, Apple Computer You might be wondering [...]
One of the biggest benefits of working with an assistant is they can push us to plan ahead. What is the plan for today? Who do we need to follow-up with? What do we need to start working on? Yet many people struggle with how to partner with their assistant most effectively. Here are some more detailed suggestions.
Inertia is a basic physical principle based on the fact that things tend to preserve their present state – whether that is resting or moving. [...]
Are you a Proactive Manager? Easier said than done … Being ‘proactive’ all the time is a tough gig. Managers get pulled at from so many [...]
Have you ever stopped to think about whether you are a bottleneck? Bottlenecks (or constraints) can be huge barriers to productivity. Manufacturing companies that [...]