
6 ways great leaders make time for reading

By |2020-06-10T19:16:04+00:00August 14th, 2018|High-performance, Leadership, Management Effectiveness, Personal Productivity, Productivity, stress|

From Oprah to Warren Buffett to Bill Gates, there are countless examples of highly successful people who invest heavily in reading. Reading does so much more than expand our knowledge. Research shows reading can combat depression, make you more confident, empathetic, and a better decision maker. Reading also helps to prevent stress and dementia and improves overall life satisfaction. While this is incredibly inspiring, it can be a challenge to read on busy days. So, how do busy people find (or, more appropriately make) the time for so much reading? Here are six simple strategies even the busiest person can adopt.

Dear Stress: It’s not you, it’s me. We need to break up.

By |2018-08-06T17:43:43+00:00July 3rd, 2018|High-performance, Leadership, Management, Management Effectiveness, Personal Productivity, Productivity, Resilience, stress|

A Harvard University survey confirms a good deal of our happiness depends on how well we manage stress. Ready to end this toxic relationship? Here are 13 ways to make the break.

7 signs you won the mentor lottery

By |2020-06-10T19:27:41+00:00May 8th, 2018|High-performance, Leadership, Management, Management Effectiveness, mentoring, workplace culture|

Formal mentoring programs are becoming more prolific in the corporate world. Theoretically, this is a strategic way to accelerate skill development. But as we all know, theory doesn’t always translate into results. Some mentors are frankly better than others. As a result, certain lucky employees are blessed with having won the equivalent of the mentor lottery. Their mentor is a unique blend of a champion, challenger and collaborator. How do you know if you are one of the lucky few with one of those infamous mentors? It’s relatively straightforward to determine – ideally, your mentor does most (better yet, all) of these seven things. Read on to learn more.

What’s your score? Why you need a personal scorecard

By |2020-06-10T19:21:37+00:00April 9th, 2018|Goals, High-performance, Leadership, Management, Management Effectiveness, Personal Productivity|

I’ve learned the important things in life and at work are far too important to leave up to chance. Sounds obvious but in truth, this is what many of us are doing when we set goals and don’t regularly review them. Reviewing our goals is how we maintain focus, momentum and stay true to our key priorities. Yet the busier we get, many of us tend to bump this important but non-urgent task. Now, I’ve got a one-page personal scorecard to keep me and my goals on track. Are you ready to create your own personal scorecard? Read on to learn more.

5 lessons for a winning mindset from Olympic athletes

By |2018-03-06T18:00:19+00:00March 6th, 2018|High-performance, Leadership, Resilience, stress, Teamwork|

We all face challenges and set-backs. But what sets us apart is how we handle our stress. Olympic athletes are no strangers to pressure. Many spend their entire lives training for their events. Clearly, physical training is crucial. But athletes also recognize mental toughness is a key differentiator among the best of the best. Thankfully, this mindset isn’t simply something you’re born with or not. It can be developed over time and is within reach for all of us. Read on to learn more about the mental strategies elite performers use to stay at the top of their game.

Olympic inspiration: The power of connecting

By |2020-06-10T19:32:08+00:00February 17th, 2018|High-performance, Leadership, Resilience, stress, Teamwork|

Productivity drops when we don't feel connected at work. Connecting with others is a fundamental human need - and an integral quality of a high-performance team. We can see the value of fostering connections in all elite performers, and a great example is the gold-winning performance of the Canadian Figure Skating Team at the 2018 PyeongChang Olympics.

Olympic inspiration: Knitting under pressure

By |2020-06-10T19:32:50+00:00February 16th, 2018|High-performance, Leadership, Resilience, stress, Teamwork|

I love watching the Olympics because t is incredibly inspiring to watch people perform at the top of their field. There are many lessons we can learn from high-performance athletes about thriving in stressful situations. Here is a great example of how one coach "keeps things light" before competition.

4 key strategies to boost your resiliency

By |2020-06-10T19:23:54+00:00February 12th, 2018|Leadership, Management Effectiveness, Resilience|

We all face challenges in life. But what happens after a setback is where we see people take distinctly different approaches. Experts refer to the ability to bounce back as resiliency – and it is considered to be a bigger predictor of success than education or intelligence. What differentiates resilient people? They aren’t necessarily smarter or harder working than their less resilient counterparts. However, they do rely on four key strategies - and the good news is those strategies are within reach of all of us.

6 pillars to master a leader mindset

By |2020-06-10T19:22:59+00:00January 4th, 2018|Leadership, Management, Management Effectiveness|

We are all capable of making an outstanding impact and we deserve to be energized by uplifting leaders. But with statistics showing only 30% of the workforce is fully engaged, the world clearly needs more dynamic leaders. Mastering a leader mindset is accessible to all of us. The answer lies in these six skills we can all embrace.

The 15 golden rules of constructive feedback

By |2020-06-10T19:19:57+00:00November 15th, 2017|Feedback, Leadership, Management, Management Effectiveness|

When it comes to developing people, feedback is an obligation, not an option. Yet far too many managers act as though feedback is optional. Unfortunately, few of us (if any) learn skills on our own. We need coaching, direction and opportunities to try, fail and try again. We also need positive reinforcement to keep us focused and motivated. And sometimes, we need someone to tell us where we are going wrong. Here are 15 critical strategies to guide you in offering constructive feedback.

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