taking a break

Do You Face One Emergency After Another?

By |2018-04-09T14:32:58+00:00October 12th, 2011|Information Management, Management Effectiveness, Personal Productivity, Schedule Management, stress, Time Management|

Many of us have lulled ourselves into believing that chaos is one of the constants in life: death, taxes and daily plans tossed out the window. Ironically, the things we do outside of times of crisis are the things that best prepare us to work most effectively.

Is it Time for a Break Yet?

By |2018-04-09T14:16:59+00:00September 14th, 2011|Schedule Management, Time Management|

Ah, the lazy hazy days of summer: fewer deadlines, less ‘busyness’, and more time soaking in the joys of life. Don’t you just love how this relaxed, casual feeling has followed us into September? Wait a second. Is it just me, or is life as busy as ever? I feel like that ‘zen’ summer feeling has snapped shut, as quick as a brand new school backpack. Not that I am afraid of working hard, but the 'relentlessness' gets to me at times. With that said, I am determined to maintain a teeny bit of that good ol’ summer feeling all through the fall and winter. If this appeals to you too, read on to learn how.


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