Ann Gomez

About Ann Gomez

Ann Gomez is a Coach and Speaker. She is the Founding President of Clear Concept Inc. and the best-selling author of The Email Warrior. Ann is passionate about helping people do their best work. Ann leads engaging and inspiring keynote addresses and interactive workshops. She is also an active blogger and media spokesperson.

How to overcome bias when you share feedback

By |2021-03-02T21:51:31+00:00February 25th, 2021|Collaboration, Communication, Feedback, High-performance, Leadership, Management, Mindset, workplace culture|

At its best, feedback is a gift. Sharing feedback is an investment in the other person and the fastest way to help them sharpen their skills. Feedback is a crucial component of any high-performance team and a skill worth mastering by all of us. But, far too often, feedback is tainted by bias. Bias influences our behaviour more than we may think. As much as our intent may be otherwise, recognizing our own tendency to operate in a biased way is the first step to interrupting bias. The more we recognize, learn about and discuss bias, the more we can support our experts and take the necessary steps to eliminate bias. I invite you to join me on these 3 steps to help all of us notice and interrupt unconscious bias.

Ready to power off and try a phone diet?

By |2023-12-12T15:16:55+00:00December 16th, 2019|Communication, Email, High-performance, Mindset, Motivation, Personal Productivity, Productivity, Routine, stress, Time Management|

Do you ever wish we had our own “off” button so we could power down and recharge like our phones? Why not try a phone diet with me? This could be exactly the kind of reboot we need throughout the holidays - or any time of year.

3 ways to motivate yourself to do work you don’t want to do

By |2025-02-05T14:44:23+00:00November 4th, 2019|High-performance, Motivation, Personal Productivity, Procrastination, Productivity, Schedule Management, Time Management|

No matter how much you love what you do, you are likely to come across some tasks you simply don’t love doing. It’s tempting to put off this type of work until tomorrow. But odds are you won’t be any more inclined to tackle the task after another rotation of the earth. Here are three simple and effective strategies to get motivated to take on work you don't want to do.

What can bamboo teach us about persistence?

By |2020-06-10T19:07:49+00:00October 15th, 2019|High-performance, Leadership, Management, Mindset|

Our natural talent will only take us so far when it comes to achieving the amazing results we are capable of. Our effort - and persistence - counts even more. Here is a great example of the power of persistence.

What are the 3 elements required for great feedback?

By |2020-06-10T19:08:28+00:00June 19th, 2019|Communication, Feedback, High-performance, Leadership, Management, Management Effectiveness, workplace culture|

Feedback is a skill worth mastering by all of us and is a crucial component of any high-performance team. Sharing feedback is the fastest way to help people learn new skills and uncover blind spots, and it is a critical driver of productivity. But for many, it's an uncomfortable topic, often associated with criticism. It’s time to give feedback a rebrand. Feedback done right empowers, uplifts and unifies our workplace. And it has 3 important qualities.

Are you a micromanager? Here’s how to flex your style

By |2020-06-10T19:09:13+00:00May 22nd, 2019|Communication, Delegating, Leadership, Management, Management Effectiveness|

We’ve all heard the warnings about micromanaging and how demotivating it can be. But in a competitive world, where details matter, micromanagement tendencies can flourish. A micromanager may believe they are getting the best quality work out of their team. But in reality, this management style stifles initiative, inhibits learning and eradicates trust. Here’s how to avoid the costly trap of micromanagement.

Change your story – change your mind

By |2020-06-10T19:10:01+00:00April 24th, 2019|Communication, High-performance, Leadership, Resilience, stress|

The stories we tell ourselves have a profound impact on who we are. They affect how we shape and perceive reality. Consider the power of your thoughts and the words you use in the stories you tell yourself. "I'm nervous." "I'm tired." "I'm stressed." Not happy with the plot line? Maybe it's time to change your narrative.

Is it time to ban idle chit chat? (My answer may surprise you)

By |2020-06-10T19:10:36+00:00March 19th, 2019|Communication, High-performance, Leadership, Management, Productivity, stress, Teamwork, workplace culture|

It seems everyone is short on time these days. We are running at turbo speed and yet it still seems there isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done. Not surprisingly, we are all on alert to spot low-value time sucks we can eliminate from our days. Idle chit chat is often considered an easy target. On the surface, this vague chatter appears to be a waste of time. Time to reconsider? Here are six reasons why (seemingly) aimless conversations are a productive and meaningful contributor to our satisfaction at work.

3 ways to gauge (and improve) the health of your professional relationships

By |2020-06-10T19:11:17+00:00February 12th, 2019|Communication, High-performance, Leadership, Productivity, Teamwork, workplace culture|

Positive interactions with our colleagues not only drive productivity, they also make us enjoy coming to work. While healthy relationships may appear to be a bonus, in fact, strong interpersonal bonds are the foundation of a high-performance team. These three conditions help us build healthy relationships.

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